Main objectives

Building an interdisciplinary team of researchers to help laying the theoretical and technological foundations of advanced intelligent systems in the emerging environment with incomplete, uncertain and dynamic information.

Major research directions

  • Reasoning: To develop new symbolic approaches, sub-symbolic approaches and hybrid approaches that can be used to model various kinds of reasoning in an open, dynamic and real environment.
  • Advanced intelligent systems: To develop advanced software systems, autonomous intelligent systems, and human-machine hybrid systems that are able to behave in an ethical, legal and human-friendly way in various situations.
  • Applications: To study how theories can be applied to some important areas where human level cognitive reasoning is necessary, such as legal informatics, medical informatics and social robotics, etc.
  • Main challenges

  • Reasoning:To deal with incomplete, uncertain and dynamic information.
  • Advanced intelligent systems: To realize interpretability and transparency, alignment with human ethical values and norms, and capability of cognitive reasoning.