Second International Workshop on Logics for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence

(image: Zhuhai Campus of Sun Yat-sen University)


The Second International Workshop on Logics for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence (LNGAI 2022) will be held at Zhuhai Campus of Sun Yat-sen University, China, 10-12 June 2022. It is associated with a national key project called “Research on Logics for New Generation Artificial Intelligence” (2021-2025), supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China. The main objectives of this project are to develop theories and techniques of non-monotonic logics and formal argumentation and apply them to causal reasoning, knowledge graph reasoning, and reasoning about norms and values, in an open, dynamic and real environment.Along with the project, we organize annual international workshops that aim at enabling efficient communication and collaboration between members of the project as well as other researchers who are interested in the topics of this project.Due to the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic situations, LNGAI 2022 will be held in a HYBRID format (virtual and physical attendance both accepted), but participants from mainland China are supposed to attend on site.

Important dates

Submission: 1 March
Notification: 15 April
Final version: 15 May
Workshop: 10-12 June 2022

For more information, please visit