W5: 5th Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Buenos Aires, DDL: 2016-09-25
W5: 5th Workshop on Philosophical Logic (Buenos Aires Logic Group)
Announcement and call for papers
The Buenos Aires Logic Group (BALG) invites researchers and scholars in philosophical logic to submit a paper for the workshop to be held in Buenos Aires in November 23-25, 2016.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers in philosophy of logic to investigate issues broadly related to the topics of truth, paradoxes and nonclassical logic.
Confirmed invited speakers:
Roy Cook (University of Minnesota)
Hitoshi Omori (Kyoto University)
Dave Ripley (University of Connecticut)
Zach Weber (University of Otago)
Submissions should include two files, to be sent to the following address: l_rosenblatt@hotmail.com
(1) one containing a title and an abstract of the paper for assessment of approximately 1000 words.
(2) the other containing the title of the paper, the author?s name, her/his institutional affiliation and her/his e-mail.
Submissions will be refereed by a scientific committee.
Accommodation (but not travel expenses, sorry) will be covered, depending on available funding.
Deadline for reception of submissions: September 25
Communication of acceptance/rejection: October 1
Language of the workshop: English
Organizing Committee:
Federico Pailos, Lucas Rosenblatt and Diego Tajer
For further information, you can contact us at l_rosenblatt@hotmail.com, or visit the workshop’s site: http://ba-logic.com/5th-workshop-philosophical-logic/.
W5: 5th Workshop on Philosophical Logic – Buenos Aires Logic Group
ba-logic.com November 23 to Novermber 25, 2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina LOCATION Bulnes 642, Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico (SADAF), Buenos Aires, Argentina TOPICS The fifth edition in this series of workshops organized by the Buenos Aires Logic Group aims to discuss different topics in Philosophical Logic, such as paradoxes, theories of truth and non-classical logics.