Seminar on Logics for Human-machine Interaction and Integration
Xixilogic Seminars #103
Date: 14 January 2019 (14:00-17:30)
Venue: Room 259, Main Teaching Building, Xixi Campus, Zhejiang University
Huimin Dong (Zhejiang University)
Beishui Liao (Zhejiang University)
Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg & Zhejiang University)
Yì N. Wáng (Zhejiang University)
14:00-15:00 | Leon van der Torre |
The Pinocchio architecture for human-AI interaction | |
15:10-15:40 | Huimin Dong |
Permission and Obligation within Ceteris Paribus | |
15:45-16:15 | Beishui Liao |
Representation, Justification and Explanation in a Value Driven Agent: An Argumentation-Based Approach |
16:20-16:50 | Yì N. Wáng |
Logics of allies and enemies: a formal approach to the dynamics of social balance theory |
Speaker: Huimin Dong
Abstract: This paper follows the argument of permission and obligation as sufficient and necessary for being normatively fine, and develops a sound and complete dynamic logic of ceteris paribus to govern this idea. This formal theory is suitable to illustrate the deliberation about permission and obligation in natural language and games, in the sense of providing natural solutions to a number of deontic paradoxes.
Title: The Pinocchio architecture for human-AI interaction
Invited Speaker: Leon van der Torre (joint work with Beishui Liao and Marija Slavkovik)
Abstract: An autonomous system is constructed by a manufacturer, operates in a society subject to norms and laws, and is interacting with end-users. We address the challenge of how the moral values and views of all stakeholders can be integrated and reflected in the moral behaviour of the autonomous system. We propose an artificial moral agent architecture that uses techniques from normative systems and formal argumentation to reach moral agreements among stakeholders. We show how our architecture can be used not only for ethical practical reasoning and collaborative decision-making,but also for the explanation of such moral behavior.
Reference: Beishui Liao, Marija Slavkovik and Leendert van der Torre. Building Jiminy Cricket: An Architecture for Moral Agreements Among Stakeholders. Proceedings of the Second AAAI / ACM conference on artificial intelligence, ethics and society (AIES 2019), 2019.
Bio of the Invited Speaker: Leendert van der Torre is a full professor in Artificial Intelligence, the head of the Individual and Collective Reasoning Group (ICR), the current head of the Computer Science Department of the University of Luxembourg, and a guest professor at Zhejiang University. He is the president of IfColog (International Federation for Computational Logic), a fellow of European Association for Artificial Intelligence, and the deputy editor-in-chief of Journal of Logic and Computation. He has published more than 300 scientific articles. Among them, about 70 papers are published in journals such as the Journal of Philosophical Logic, Journal of Applied Logic, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Law, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, etc. According to Google Scholar (Jan 9, 2019), the number of citations of his papers is 11444 (h-index = 50).
2019年1月14日,由浙江大学哲学系、浙江大学语言与认知研究中心主办人机交互与整合的逻辑学研讨会在西溪校区教学主楼259课室成功举办。本次活动特邀了来自卢森堡大学的Leon van der Torre教授、国内外著名认知逻辑学家与人工智能专家做题为“用于人工智能交互的匹诺曹架构”的前沿报告。讲座有来自逻辑学、哲学、语言学等师生参与,并就相关问题进行了热烈的讨论。
Van der Torre教授报告了其关于自治系统的最新成果。他介绍道,自治系统由制造商构建起来,在遵守某种规范和法律的社会中运行,并与终端用户进行交互。他提出一个将道德价值和个人利益相互融合、具有道德行为的自治系统。这是一个人工道德主体架构。它基于规范系统和形式论辩理论的技术,从而达成利益相关者之间的道德协议。这种架构不仅可用于道德实践推理和协作决策,还能用于解释道德行为。
此外,van der Torre教授还向听众展示了卢森堡大学与浙江大学之间的最新合作,公布了卢森堡大学-浙江大学人工智能与推理联合中心的合作计划。同时,van der Torre教授受聘为浙江大学的客座教授。
* This seminar is supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China.